Political action committee policy
The California State Sheriffs' Association (CSSA), founded in 1894, provides a unified voice for the 58 county sheriffs in matters of mutual interest and concern.
The Political Action Committee, as a standing committee of CSSA and in concert with the CSSA Bylaws, reviews and evaluates governor's appointments, candidates and ballot measures/initiatives for recommendation to the CSSA Board of Directors for a position of CSSA support, oppose or no position.
1. Endorsement of candidates in a primary election will only be considered after the filing deadline. Endorsements will not be made prior to the filing deadline. The process noted below under "Function" and "Candidate Evaluation" will be followed.
2. As the California State Sheriffs' Association works on issues of statewide concern and interest, it will be the policy of CSSA to not involve itself in endorsements of local elected officials. In addition, CSSA will not involve itself in endorsements of sheriffs.
1. Support candidates, governor's appointments, and ballot measures/initiatives which further the principles of the California State Sheriffs' Association, public safety and the law enforcement profession.
2. Provide the California State Sheriffs' Association Board of Directors a medium for examining candidates and the ballot measures/initiatives.
3. Provide a public appraisal of candidates, ballot measures/initiatives, and issues supported, opposed or no position by the California State Sheriffs' Association.
Function / Candidate Evaluation
1. Review ballot measures/initiatives to determine their impact upon CSSA, public safety, and the law enforcement profession in particular.
2. Candidates requesting CSSA endorsement will be required to submit a formal request and complete a questionnaire. As deemed necessary, candidates may be interviewed to determine qualifications and philosophical position on contemporary issues vital and necessary for public safety and the law enforcement profession.
3. A California State Sheriffs' Association official endorsement may be given to a candidate or issue in the name of the organization.
a. An official endorsement is not binding upon any individual member of CSSA. An absolute distinction between individual and organizational endorsement shall be made whenever a public conflict of position may exist.
4. Use of CSSA Logo: Candidates/Initiatives/Other. The use of the CSSA logo in campaign materials for candidates, initiatives or other political communications is not authorized unless extenuating circumstances are determined by a vote or poll of the Board of Directors and subsequent authorization by the Board of Directors.
5. Requests for Campaign Materials Distribution. It is CSSA's policy to not grant requests for distribution of campaign, initiative or other political communications via CSSA's group e-mail and/or fax capability.
Quick Links
For more info, please call 916-375-8000 or email members@calsheriffs.org.