Corporations who want to form a very exclusive partnership with California’s 58 elected Sheriffs can apply to join CSSA’s Corporate 100 Partners Program. Annual membership dues are $3,500.

The Corporate Partners Program provides corporations with a unique advantage because this is the only program that provides a one-on-one forum where corporations and Sheriffs can exchange information and collaborate on law enforcement issues. It provides corporations with the opportunity to showcase their latest products and services on a more intimate level with the Sheriffs and key decision makers. The many personable networking opportunities allow you to build strong relationships with the Sheriffs.

Membership Advantages

Your active participation increases the value of your membership. We encourage you to get involved and experience the Membership Advantages of our Corporate 100 Partners Program. As part of the Corporate Partners Program you have easy access to a variety of benefits that will both save and make you money.  

  • Attendance at an Annual Sheriff Dinner
  • Official Corporate 100 plaque, lapel pin, membership card and CSSA bumper stickers.
  • Discounted exhibitor booth rate and priority booth selection.
  • Premium location placement in exhibit hall with special signage.
  • First choice of CSSA events sponsorships, exhibit booths and magazine advertising.
  • One-year subscription to CSSA’s quarterly publication California Sheriff, "Capitol Wrap" legislative newsletter and "Client Alert" memorandums.
  • Name recognition in every edition of California Sheriff magazine (including the Special Edition which is distributed every 4 years).
  • Partner listing on CSSA website with a direct link to your company’s homepage and description of services.
  • Opportunity to submit articles for the California Sheriff magazine.
  • Listing in CSSA’s Corporate 100 Partners membership directory.
  • Exclusive networking opportunities at trainings and CSSA’s Annual Conference.
  • Special recognition by Sheriffs at events.

Please contact Executive Assistant II, Chelsea Weathers at or Executive Director, Carmen Green at for more information.